gold 401k investment

How To Buy Gold with Your 401(k)

Golden Opportunities

Most retired employees tend to use savings and pension funds to acquire investments to increase these funds to lifelong income. Given this criterion, most employees sign up for a 401(k) plan, an organization-sponsored investment account offered by American employers serving as a retirement saving plan for employees. With this, employees can select from a variety of investment options to use.

Investing in gold is one of the most common and profitable forms of investments, attracting 401(k) subscribers to use their retirement savings to invest in physical gold bars and other assets linked to gold.

Can Your 401(k) Buy Gold?

Comprehending the IRS guidelines is one of the most crucial factors before deciding on a gold 401(k) investment. These guidelines contain details on the 401(k) plans, indicating which one is permitted for gold investments, the IRS requirements from the asset and also the necessity of a licensed administrator.

The administrator would represent the investor on the assets that fall within the gold 401(k) investments under their management. The main objectives of these administrators are the approval or disapproval of gold as a form of investment while considering the investors’ strategies alongside the IRS requirements. Hence, the investment in gold with 401(k) depends not on the investor's choice but on the type of 401(k) plan and the rules & regulations guiding the plan.

Most employer-managed 401(k) plans do not permit investments in gold; however, the employees can invert their 401(k) to an IRA or another 401(k) plan that accepts gold investments.

Methods of Buying Gold with Your 401(k)

After deriving the eligibility of your 401(k) to purchase investments in gold-related assets, you can start gathering knowledge on the different methods investors use when making investments. To invest in gold using 401(k), there are several methods you can attempt. Here, we will be providing in-depth information on six different methods you can use for your 401(k) gold investments. These methods include:

Gold IRA (Individual Retirement Account)

As stated earlier, if your 401(k) plan is not eligible to invest in gold, there is the option of inverting the plan to an IRA. However, this IRA is an autonomous (self-directed) plan, which is slightly different from the typical IRA because it permits you to make personal investment decisions, including allotting funds to acquire gold bullion in the possession of a caretaker. The effect of this method may include future tax repercussions.

Gold mining stocks

Another advisable approach to acquire an investment in gold using 401(k) is by investing in gold mining stocks. This method is only preferable if you have a high-risk tolerance or maintain diversity in your portfolio by investing in less risky assets, as this method tends to be more complex than the physical gold approach, although it offers higher potential returns. The risk is highly dependent on commodity prices and operational productivity.

Gold ETFs (Exchange-Traded Fund)

This is the best approach if you prefer a stress-free yet money-making method of including gold in your 401(k) portfolio. Like every other ETF, gold ETFs track the price movement of gold making it easier for you rather than investing in the physical asset. Diversifying your retirement portfolio becomes easier with Gold ETFs and ensuring familiarity with the assets without possessing them physically.

Gold Mutual Funds

Investing gold mutual funds through 401(k) includes acquiring shares in a gold-related company. This method is used when you can not use your funds to acquire physical gold. From the fund descriptions made available in your 401(k) plan, you can search for potential mutual funds that offer tangible exposure to gold by worth of having shares in companies attached to the gold business.

Gold Certificates

If you are not sure about investing in physical assets or other types of gold investments, you can take the approach of investing through gold certificates. The gold certificates offer both physical and virtual possession of gold investments. Investing in gold certificates, you can comfortably and securely include gold 401(k) investments in your portfolio without the concern of storing them.

Gold Futures and Options

This method is advised for experienced investors with vast knowledge of gold futures and options. To use this method, you need to take the approach of the self-directed IRA before acquiring futures and options. These investment instruments allow you to make suppositions on the future price movements of gold without needing to own gold directly.

Pros and Cons of Having Gold in Your Portfolio

Like every other investment, investing in gold is equipped with similar chances of benefits and setbacks that are necessary to take note of. These positive and negative effects are dependent on your investment conditions. Here are some of the pros and cons involved in adding gold to your portfolio;


  • Investment in gold is safe and can serve as a hedge against inflation.
  • Improves the diversity in your portfolio.
  • Gold is universally accepted as a form of currency.


  • Investing in gold possesses higher risks than most investments
  • Tax implications from the rollover to IRA
  • The value of gold is highly dependent on the market condition; hence, if the market is not in your favor, you face potential risks.

Tips for Buying Gold in Your Investment Portfolio

If you are considering including gold in your investment portfolio as your retirement plan, there might be lingering thoughts in your mind that might prevent you from total commitment. Regarding this issue, there are some steps you can take to inspect gold investment before fully delving into it. Some of these tips include:

  • Start with a minimum investment.
  • Take note of the market navigation.
  • Ensure diversity in your gold investment.

Bottom Line

Investments, generally, are a way in which most people adapt as a means of generating additional income or as a lifetime earnings, which is equipped with both benefits and risks. Similarly, gold 401(k) investments possess their fair share of goods and bads. Hence, it is advised to gather knowledge and detailed information on gold investment as a whole before even deciding on using your 401(k) to invest in gold.

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