Bekki Morton

Bekki Morton
Bekki Morton

Bekki is a UK-based writer who specializes in lifestyle and wellbeing topics. When she's not writing, she can be found poring over the latest beauty and fashion releases or listening to podcasts, always accompanied by a cup of coffee!

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cosmetic fillers

Dermal Fillers Do’s and Don’ts

If your face has lost the volume and smooth appearance it once had, there’s a way to get it back. Enter dermal fillers. Dermal fillers, also known as cosmetic fillers, are gel-like substances injected into the face to restore volume and smooth wrinkles. Typically, dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which is also found in facial serums, although other types of temporary fillers include calcium...

beauty routine

Crafting Your Ideal Skin Care Routine Step-by-Step

While some people have their skincare routine down to a tee, to others, the mere mention of a skincare routine makes them panicked. What’s an exfoliator and how often should you be using it? What does a serum do? Does my moisturizer need to contain an SPF? We’ll answer all these questions and more in our ultimate guide to building your best beauty routine....